March 2022 - Present
In this position, I coordinate coordinate and traffic content for feedback and approvals using web-based project management
platform, Wrike. I coordinate content writing and publishing schedules in accordance with best SEO practices and manage and track purchase orders and invoices. I collaborate with SEO and content writing teams as needed while managing a team of one direct report and up to twelve freelance writers. I ensure white hat SEO tactics are implemented in content publishing processes. I produce and distribute monthly reports on all content outstanding and published and ad hoc reporting available as needed and requested.
March 2021 - March 2022
In this position, I coordinate content writing and publishing schedules for SEO and traffic content articles for internal and external feedback and approvals. I manage and track invoices and assign publication duties to a Content Publishing Specialist. This position requires collaboration with several other departments to produce and traffic monthly and ad hoc reports on all content in a timely manner. Additionally, I ensure white hat SEO tactics are implemented in content publishing.
February 2020 - March 2021
In this position, I coordinated and trafficked content for feedback and approvals and assisted in coordinating content writing and publishing schedules for SEO. In the year that I spent in this role, I coordinated the publication of 1042 articles to CMS, publishing an average of 87 articles per month. Additionally, I brought the approved-but-unpublished articles queue down from a high of about 380 articles in April 2020 to less than 30 by December 2020 and was publishing articles less than one month after approval. I coordinated and requested the publication of several hundred profiles, bringing the team current by the end of 2020. This position required collaboration with traditional, field, digital marketing, and SEO teams to complete image requests for content and social media calendars. I also maintained records of all content and produced monthly and ad hoc reports on content in a timely manner. I trained and remain the main point-of-content for at least three different people on the various tools the content team uses in our work as well as on how to publish articles.
May 2016 - January 2020
This position required high-volume data entry and attention to detail, shown through proofreading and writing product descriptions loaded daily to multiple channels. I often fact-checked, trouble-shot, and quality-assessed assets to prevent discrepancies while I worked on several projects simultaneously. I was also one of the last line of defense for the company when it comes to assuring they were upholding Federal Trade Commission standards, especially when it comes to fur, and that they were collecting and saving all copyright information.
August 2018 - December 2019
In Fall 2018 and 2019, I taught one evening section of ENG1013. The first semester of First-Year Composition requires teaching a good foundation in writing and structure in preparation for the second semester. This position required me to create syllabi, assignments, and assess student writing. I regularly designed and implemented daily lesson plans including lectures, discussions, small group experiential learning activities, and writing exercises. To increase student engagement, I used various multi-media platforms. In Spring 2019, I taught my first online section of ENG1023. The second semester of First-Year Composition focuses on bolstering those skills learned in the first semester while adding research knowledge and skills in order to write university-level research papers. In order to teach these skills online, I'm crafting a semester-long Canvas class with various multi-media platforms and assignments designed to get students to engage with their community, wherever they may be. In Fall 2019, I was able to teach another ENG2013 section online, and I feel like I learned so much in that first semester, but I still have a ton to learn about how best to facilitate online scholarship.
August 2017 - December 2017
I taught one evening section of ENG1013. The first semester of First-Year Composition requires teaching a good foundation in writing and structure in preparation for the second semester. This position required me to create syllabi, assignments, and assess student writing. I regularly designed and implemented daily lesson plans including lectures, discussions, small group experiential learning activities, and writing exercises. To increase student engagement, I used various multi-media platforms.
August 2016 - December 2016
I taught one section of UNIV1231. This position required me to teach basic skills and encourage college readiness and preparedness in first year students. To do so, I created a syllabus, assignments, and assessed student learning. I regularly designed and implemented daily lesson plans, including lectures, discussions, small group experiential learning activities, and writing exercises. To increase student engagement, I used various multi-media platforms.
January 2016 - May 2016
I taught four sections of ENG1023. The second semester of First-Year Composition requires teaching research skills from finding appropriate sources to synthesizing information. This position required me to create syllabi, assignments, and assess student writing. I regularly designed and implemented daily lesson plans including lectures, discussions, small group experiential learning activities, and writing exercises. To increase student engagement, I used various multi-media platforms.
May 2015 - August 2015
In this position, I assisted with the planning and execution of D Magazine’s Best programs, specifically Fall 2015's Best Doctors issue, and coordinated with editorial, marketing, sales, and design departments. I regularly fact-checked information and researched and analyzed data, while working within data collection platforms. I was also given the opportunity to write a few short blurbs for the online blog.
May 2013 - December 2015
This position required me to fulfill various duties under several different titles. I worked in TWU's writing tutoring center, the Write Site, assisting students with grammar, research, and citation styles. During my tenure at the Write Site, I held a leadership role as the Lead Graduate Assistant. Additionally, I aided a full professor with a section of Advanced Grammar & Composition, taught my own sections of First Year Composition, and helped develop a dedicated group tutoring program to support a state-mandated supplemental instruction pathway in English Composition courses.